Labels:text | screenshot | font | display | number OCR: References ~ Types of reference in text 27/6/1990 21:45:00 HyperShell Version 3.1 A Frame reference allows you to move to a new frame A Note referenci selecting ise the cursor keys or the mouse to m] A Menu referenc move the mouse cursor ( 'block' > to the A Script refere reference, or use TAB (or SHIFT TAB> to move to the next (or previous> reference . Press the LEFT mouse al An Action does button or RETURN (ENTER) to select the reference . The above refer function. Press |Press RIGHT mouse button or ESCAPE to ormal notation genera select control popup menu ped to the reference o erences . Press space bar to continue '1 HELP F2 CONTENTS F3 BACKTRACK F4 UNWIND F5 NOTES F6 SEARCH F7 TYPE F10 QUIT